
Florigon Mangoes: Guardian Dragon Eggs of the Sunshine State

Florigon Mangoes: Guardian Dragon Eggs of the S...

The Florigon mango, often celebrated as the "Guardian Dragon Egg" of the mango varieties, has a storied origin deeply rooted in the fertile groves of Florida. This variety was bred...

Florigon Mangoes: Guardian Dragon Eggs of the S...

The Florigon mango, often celebrated as the "Guardian Dragon Egg" of the mango varieties, has a storied origin deeply rooted in the fertile groves of Florida. This variety was bred...

Pim Seng Mun Mangoes: Pineapple Dragon Eggs of Southeast Asia

Pim Seng Mun Mangoes: Pineapple Dragon Eggs of ...

"Pineapple Mango," hints at its unique flavor profile that resonates with subtle notes akin to pineapple. It is believed to have been cultivated for several generations, primarily in the northeastern...

Pim Seng Mun Mangoes: Pineapple Dragon Eggs of ...

"Pineapple Mango," hints at its unique flavor profile that resonates with subtle notes akin to pineapple. It is believed to have been cultivated for several generations, primarily in the northeastern...

Phoenix Mangoes: Resilient Dragon Eggs of Florida

Phoenix Mangoes: Resilient Dragon Eggs of Florida

seedling from the 'Jakarta' mango, showcasing its distinctive resilience and robust characteristics. The origin of its name is as compelling as its attributes; it was dubbed "Phoenix" after the mythological...

Phoenix Mangoes: Resilient Dragon Eggs of Florida

seedling from the 'Jakarta' mango, showcasing its distinctive resilience and robust characteristics. The origin of its name is as compelling as its attributes; it was dubbed "Phoenix" after the mythological...

Pickering Mangoes: Petite Dragon Eggs of Miami

Pickering Mangoes: Petite Dragon Eggs of Miami

The Pickering mango has a past that dates back to the 1950s in Florida, where it first took root at the residence of the Pickering family on Pine Island. Unlike...

Pickering Mangoes: Petite Dragon Eggs of Miami

The Pickering mango has a past that dates back to the 1950s in Florida, where it first took root at the residence of the Pickering family on Pine Island. Unlike...

Cogshall Mangoes: Compact Dragon Eggs of Florida

Cogshall Mangoes: Compact Dragon Eggs of Florida

The Cogshall mango originated in Southwest Florida, where it was first discovered as a chance seedling in the garden of William Cogshall in Coral Gables during the 1940s. This particular...

Cogshall Mangoes: Compact Dragon Eggs of Florida

The Cogshall mango originated in Southwest Florida, where it was first discovered as a chance seedling in the garden of William Cogshall in Coral Gables during the 1940s. This particular...

Carrie Mangoes: Exquisite Dragon Eggs of the Mango World

Carrie Mangoes: Exquisite Dragon Eggs of the Ma...

Carrie mangoes captivate with their small, ovate shape and smooth, vibrant yellow skin that may show a blush of red when sun-kissed, reminiscent of a dragon’s fiery glow. The flesh...

Carrie Mangoes: Exquisite Dragon Eggs of the Ma...

Carrie mangoes captivate with their small, ovate shape and smooth, vibrant yellow skin that may show a blush of red when sun-kissed, reminiscent of a dragon’s fiery glow. The flesh...